The Guildhall, Londonderry

Great Swell (Enclosed) Pedal
Double Diapason16 Double Diapason16 Open Diapason16 A
Open Diapason I8 Open Diapason8 Violone16
Open Diapason II8 Echo Gamba8 Bourdon16 B
Hohl Flute8 Voix Celeste T.A#8 Principal8
Principal4 Rohr Flute8 Octave8 A
Harmonic Flute4 Principal4 Bass Flute8 B
Fifteenth2 Fifteenth2 Octave4
Mixture 17.19.22III Mixture 17.19.22III Super Octave2
Posaune8 Double Trumpet16 Trombone16
Clarion4 Horn8
Oboe8 Choir to Pedal
Positive to Great Clarion4 Great to Pedal
Swell to Great Vox Humana8 Swell to Pedal
Choir to Great
Piston Coupler Gt + Pd Swell Sub Octave
Swell Octave
Choir (Enclosed) Positive (playable on Choir or Great)
Geigen Principal8 Gedackt8
Dulciana8 Spitz Flute4
Unda Maris T.G.8 Principal2
Salicional8 Larigot1 1/3
Lieblich Gedackt8 Sesquialtera 12.17 T.C.II
Lieblich Gedackt4 Cymbal 29.33.36III
Orchestral Oboe8
Orchestral Clarinet8
Tromba (unenclosed)8
Positive to Choir
Swell to Choir

Builder: William Hill & Son, 1914
Rebuilt: Hill Norman & Beard Ltd, London, 1978
Overhaul: Wells-Kennedy Partnership Ltd, Lisburn, 1989 (Bomb Damage)

Source - AGMcC 7/1995

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