Newcastle Presbyterian Church

Builder:  Wells Kennedy Partnership (Lisburn) 1979       

Case:     Symmetrical design in mahagony

Console type:  Integral
Stop controls: Drawstop
Pedals type:   Concave & Radiating 

  Key:  Mechanical
  Stop: Electric

Tuning (a'): 440 Hz

Wind supply
  Power: BOB (Derby)
  Pressures (inches): 
        Great           2 1/2
        Swell           2 1/2
        Pedal           3 1/2


I Great (C-g3; 56)

Open Diapason           8
Stopped Diapason        8
Principal               4
Fifteenth               2
Mixture 19 22 26      III

II Swell (Enclosed C-g3; 56)

Gedackt                 8
Principal               4
Blockflute              2
Mixture 29 33          II
Contra Hautboy         16

Pedal (C-f; 30)

Sub Bass               16
Octave                  8
Bass Flute              8
Fifteenth               4
Dulzian                 8


Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal


Balanced mechanical swell pedal

Comments:  Pedal organ has electropneumatic action while rest of instrument
           and couplers are tracker action.

Source - IMcC 4/1995

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