Newry Non Subscribing Presbyterian Church

Builder:  1806 - unknown
          1857 Thomas J Robson (London)
          1979 Wells Kennedy Partnership (Lisburn Co. Antrim)

Console type:  Integrated
Stop controls: Drawstop 
Pedals type:   Concave & Radiating

  Key:  Mechanical
  Stop: Mechanical

Tuning (a'): 440 Hz

Wind supply
  Pressures (inches): 
                Great   2 1/2
                Swell   2 1/2
                Pedal   3 1/2


I Great (C-f; 54)

Open Diapason           8       1806 GG to tenor A sharp in case
Stopped Diapason        8       1806 Stopped wood to ten. B rest metal chimney
Viol di Gamba           8       1870 Shares bot. octave of Stopped Diapason
Principal               4       1806
Twelfth                 2 2/3   1979 added - uses 19th century pipework
Fifteenth               2       1806
Mixture               III       1979    CC-Ten. D               19 22 26
                                        Ten. D - Mid G          15 19 22
                                        Mid G# - Treb. G        12 15 19
                                        Treb. G# - Top f         8 12 15

II Swell (C-f; 54)

Double Diapason T.C    16       1806 Mid. F - top F metal - rest 1857 wood
Open Diapason           8       1806 Old Choir Stopped Diapason
Stopped Diapason        8       1806
Principal               4       pre 1806
Flute T.C.              4       1806
Fifteenth               2       1857 New bottom octave 1979
Trumpet                 8       1857 New bottom octave 1979
Octave Hautboy          4       1806 transposed one octave down in 1979 - new
                                top octave

Pedal (C-f; 30)

Subbass                16       1979
Bass Flute              8       1979
Fifteenth               4       1979
Fagot                  16       1979


Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal

        Organ was originally a three manual in existing case.  Choir organ
        was removed c.1953.

        Swell Principal is attributed to Renatus Harris (1680-1724).

        Voicing style suggests that the organ may originally have been
        by Samuel Green although there is no proof for this statement.

        Originally a Trumpet and Sesquialtera existed on the Great
        but the pipework was discarded at some unknown time.

Source - IMcC 4/1995

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