Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church

Great Swell (Enclosed) Pedal
Open Diapason8 Salicional8 Open Diapason16 C
Stopped Diapason8 Gedackt8 Bourdon16 D
Principal4 Voix Celeste T.C.8 Octave8 C
Flute4 Gemshorn4 Bass Flute8 D
Twelfth2 2/3 Nazard2 2/3 Fifteenth4 C
Fifteenth2 Fifteenth2 Octave Flute4 D
MixtureIII MixtureII MixtureII
Tromba8 B Oboe8 Trombone16 B
Clarion4 B Double Trumpet16 A Tromba8 B
Trumpet8 A
Swell to Great Clarion4 A Great to Pedal
Gt & Ped Pistons Coupled Swell to Pedal
Swell Unison Off
Swell Sub Octave
Swell Super Octave

Builder: Charles A Smethurst Ltd, Manchester, 1974
New Case: Wells-Kennedy Partnership Ltd, Lisburn, 1994

Source - AGMcC 3/1996

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